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A summary of the new species in the "Internet +" era and how to acquire customers!

Time: 2020-10-24 Visited: 3174

What is a technology-enabled enterprise? Simply put, it is a company that sells technology, and more specifically, it is a company that sells technology with a strong Internet gene. The technology sold can be software development kits or API interfaces, SaaS software, smart hardware or "Internet +" and other software and hardware solutions, and so on. Such companies mainly involve cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, blockchain, AR/VR, information security, information communication, multimedia, smart hardware and other technologies, as well as some specialized software that can improve the efficiency of business operations. Such as production management, collaborative office, financial management, marketing promotion, supply chain management, customer management, etc.

Technology-enabled companies are not software outsourcing companies in the traditional sense because they have the following characteristics: